Percussion: Week of Sept. 9-15

Congratulations on the Drumline Showcase! You all performed the full show and made a great impression on our future Rangers.

It is our bye week and there are no weekend rehearsals/performance. What a great opportunity to rest and catch up on school work.

Our Wednesday Stadium Rehearsal will be at Williams Stadium. More details below:

Cycle 1, Week 5 (B Week): September 9-15

  • Monday

    • After School Rehearsal from 3:30-5:30

  • Tuesday

    • Free

  • Wednesday

    • Part 3/Intro Pass Offs in class

    • After School Rehearsal from 4:00-7:00 at Williams Stadium

      • Bus departs NFHS at 3:15, You may drive yourself. Make sure your ride picks you up from Williams Stadium after we load the trailer

  • Thursday

    • After School Rehearsal from 3:30-6:30

  • Friday (A Day)

    • Free! (No football game)

  • Saturday

    • Free!

  • Sunday

    • Free

Weekly Band Updates + Announcements

Make sure you keep up with the weekly announcements for the whole band. You can access announcements at the top of the page, or by clicking HERE.

You can access the weekly band update by clicking HERE.

Drumline Jersey Order

We are organizing our drumline jersey order. Please fill out this form by clicking HERE. Thanks to Rolando, Madison, Kathy, Aiden, Moises, Joshua, and Fabian for completing the form yesterday. Everyone else needs to fill this out so the order can move forward starting tomorrow in an effort to have the jersey’s by the NTX Drumline Contest.

The jersey’s will be $55 and you will be able to make multiple payments. Information on paying will be confirmed after the booster meeting on Tuesday. No money is due at this time. As a reminder, this will be the standard drumline jersey moving forward and students will only need to order a drumline jersey one time depending on personal care of the jersey.

Percussion parents and families are also welcome to order a jersey! For all parents and families, please fill out the form above sepearately for each individual wanting a jersey.

Upcoming Assignments and Grades

  • Students will pass off Part 3 and Preshow in class on Monday. Warm-Up Set 3 will be due the week of September 16.

  • The 6 Week Progress Report determines eligibility. Take advantage of the lighter band event load to complete your assignments and ensure you are passing all classes.

Solo and All-Region Pass Offs

At this point, students should have submitted a video recording of a portion of the semester snare solo and a portion of the 4-mallet solo. As our marching music gains greater confidence, we will be spending more time on this music in class. Until then, students should make this a priority in their individual pratice to make the semester solo process more manageable. Some details below:

  • The Snare Solo pass off 1 was due August 31. The assignment was 1 page of the All-Region solo or the Bronze Level of the alternate solo. 8 Students have not submitted this video.

  • The 4 Mallet Solo Pass off 1 was due September 7. The assignment was 1 page of the All-Region solo or 2 lines of the alternate solo. Thank you Rolando for being the only student to submit this pass off before the due date.

  • Timpani Pass off 1 will be due in two weeks. Students will need to submit 1/3 of their timpani solo.

  • Video submissions need to include video AND audio.


Percussion: Week of Sept. 16-22


Percussion: Week of Sept. 2-8