7:30 AM - Call Time
7:45 AM - Bus pick up at Naaman
8:45 AM - Bus drop-off at Gail Fields
10:20 AM - Approximate Parade Time
12:00 PM - Approximate Arrival at Naaman
Set List:
Seven Nation Army
Fight Song
Weather Plan:
Temperature is 50° F or above.
Walking parade route
Attire: Band wears band t-shirts, jeans with appropriate layering underneath (band jackets if available)
Other groups wear uniforms
In the event of rain, same attire with rain ponchos, woodwinds march without instruments
Temperatures range between 33°F - 49°F
Walking parade route
Attire: Band wears warm clothes, hats, gloves, etc.
Other groups wear team warm up suits, etc.
In the event of rain, same attire with rain ponchos, woodwinds march without instruments
Temperatures 32° and below temperatures with possible ice, snow or wind with subfreezing temperatures
Students will ride buses and wave/cheer from the windows of the bus
Each campus will have a bus and will have one adult assigned that bus
Members from every organization above will be pre-determined and represented on the bus.