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11:45 - Students arrive
12:00 - Breathing GYM and singing in GYM
12:15 - 1A with body (Playing)
12:25 - Transition into splits
WW- little theatre
Brass - Choir Room
12:30 - Split music [Warm up]
12:45 - Made you look
1:00 - Show music
1:30 - transition to the band hall
1:35 - Full band
Show music
2:00 Games
2:20 Transition to gym
2:25 cardio with Choi
2:45 Water Break
2:50 Forwards 8’s + 8’s Choi
3:00 Backward 8’s + 8’s Choi
3:10 Forward to backward transition
3:20 Backward to forward transition
3:30 Upper body exercise
3:40 Asterisk Exercise (¼)
3:50 Hard stop, Get ready to dismiss