Weekly Update (Dec 9 - Dec 15)
The Update:
This week is a B week and CONCERT WEEK! We will be hosting the middle schools: Sellers on Tuesday and Thursday. Please put your eyes on the hosting document. Wind Ensemble, please look at your Christmas ensemble assignments below.
Please look at these Middle School Hosting Documents for your assignments.
Wind Ensemble Christmas Ensemble Assignments
Continue to sell the raffle tickets for the Christmas Concert Raffle.
Rehearsals: this week the SYM Rehearsals are normal. WE rehearsal will be adjusted. We will not have Jazz Band Rehearsal this week.
Band Winter Holiday Party is on Dec 16th. We will have a secret santa gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please join this link by December 9th.
Band Uniforms must be dry cleaned and will be collected with their receipt after Thanksgiving break.
During A1 on Monday and Wednesday, Wind Ensemble will be in the Band hall. Symphonic Band will be on stage.
Thank you all!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions by email or remind.
This Week at a Glance
Monday, Dec 9
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 3:00 - latest 4:15
Tuesday, Dec 10
Symphonic Band Rehearsal 3:30 - 5:00
5:15 Call time for Volunteers
Wednesday, Dec 11
Percussion Ensemble 3:30 - 5:30
5:30 Call time for Performers
Thursday, Dec 12
Fine Arts Showcase Dry Run
Wind Ensemble on call
5:15 Call time for Volunteers
Friday, Dec 13
Fine Arts Showcase
Saturday, Dec 14
Middle School All-District Concert
At Lakeview Centennial @ 4:00 PM
Extra Credit, please come support your middle school friends
Week Ahead
Monday, Dec 16
Band Holiday Party
Tuesday, Dec 17
Wednesday, Dec 18
Percussion Ensemble 3:30 - 5:30
Thursday, Dec 19
Friday, Dec 20
BAND FEES and SPRING TRIP PAYMENT: 2nd installment of the spring trip has not been collected. Please turn in the $75 to Mr. Falls as soon as possible! Band fees are being added to Skyward this week. You can pay in person or via Skyward. There will be an extra Service Fee and Taxes added for all apparel and rentals.
Cash payments and checks are accepted. Checks need to be made Payable to Naaman Forest Band, NOT the Band Boosters.
For Wind Ensemble
Supplemental Supplies
All members are required to bring the following supplies for band camp. These items will be used to feed and hydrate your students during the hot days of summer band.
Freshman: 2, 6 Gallons Gatorade mixes (Orange, Fruit Punch, Lemon Lime or Glacier Freeze) Bring TWO
Sophomores: 64 bottles of water (Size 16.9 Fl. oz)
Seniors: 1 pack of Nature Valley, 60 cts Granola Bars & 1 pack of Quaker 36 ct, Granola Bars
Band Fees
Reminder that the Remainder of our $200 band fee is due by band Camp 7/29/24
We are able to take these fees in person via check (Payable to Naaman Forest Band) or Cash.
For those who were able to pay in full in advanced, Thank You. Your expeditious payment allows us to provide more masterclass services at the beginning of the school year.
Band Fee Payment Schedule
Available upon request. Please see Mr. Falls for more information.
Naaman Band Spirit Wear
Vertical Raise: Naaman Forest Band Custom Apparel + Merchandise
Action Items:
Dry Clean Your Uniforms
Due week after Thanksgiving break with Receipts turned into Mr. Falls
Pass your classes
Turn in your assignments
Mark your calendars:
Ranger Market:
Saturday, November 23: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Drawing is on the Christmas Concert: December 11