Weekly Update (Sept 9 - Sept 15)

The Update:

Week 4 is in the books! Week 5 is a B week. Students, thank you for being responsible about your grades. We are seeing how much work and effort you are putting into your responsibilities. This week is a bye week so we will not have a football game this Friday.

Rehearsal times are normal this week. Monday Rehearsal is 3:30 PM - 5:30PM. Stadium rehearsal Wednesday will be at Williams this week with the same 7:00 PM pick-up procedure at the stadium and we have a normal Thursday from 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM at Naaman.

Students, be prepared to go outside during A1 M/W. Bring appropriate clothing.

Congratulations to the Mello section for the Section of the Week!

Congratulations to Haley Huynh for the Member of the Week!

Update for our Vertical Raise Fundraiser: CONGRATULATIONS, WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL OF $10,000! We have raised a total of $10,114 thus far. The donation window will remain open until the end of day today. If you have not checked out the merch store on Vertical Raise, please take a look. There is a lot of swag to gift around the holiday times.

Congrats Percussion Section for always being on top of the leaderboard.

Students, we have a picture day on THURSDAY during B6/B7. You will be field-tripped out from your class. You will be assigned a uniform garment bag, shako, and a performance top. You will be trying them on during Ranger Connect and possibly during Instrumental Ensemble Class.

Students, reminder that the person with the most newly recruited members (minimum 5) receives a fully reimbursed Spring Trip. The second most will receive partially reimbursed Spring Tip. Any returning students counts as 2!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions by email or remind.

This Week at a Glance

  • Monday, Sept 9

    • Music Rehearsal

    • Clinician: Phil Alvarado

  • Tuesday, Sept 10

    • No Rehearsal 

  • Wednesday, Sept 11

    • Stadium Rehearsal @ Williams 4:00 - 7:00

    • Clinician: Ryan and Roman

  • Thursday, Sept 12

    • B6-B7 Band field trip out for PICTURES

    • Marching Rehearsal @ 3:30 - 6:30

    • Clinician: Larry Snitzer

  • Friday, Sept 13

    • BYE WEEK

  • Saturday, Sept 14

    • Please relax

Supplemental Supplies

  • All members are required to bring the following supplies for band camp. These items will be used to feed and hydrate your students during the hot days of summer band.

Band Fees


Reminder that the Remainder of our $200 band fee is due by band Camp 7/29/24

We are able to take these fees in person via check (Payable to Naaman Forest Band) or Cash.

For those who were able to pay in full in advanced, Thank You. Your expeditious payment allows us to provide more masterclass services at the beginning of the school year.

Band Fee Payment Schedule

  • Available upon request. Please see Mr. Falls for more information.

Band Fee Breakdown

Schedule For The Year

Parents and Students,

Here is the Important Date Schedule for the year.

Here is the complete Rehearsal Schedule for the year. (Coming Soon)

Here is the link to our Band Google Calendar.

Action Items:

  • Continue to stay on top of your classes


Vertical Raise Presentation


Weekly Update (Sept 16 - Sept 22)


Weekly Update (Sept 1 - Sept 7)